There is a significant need to deliver new homes across Hertsmere and, with limited brownfield sites and a historical lack of housing development in Potters Bar, developing part of the former Potters Bar Golf Course would help provide homes, community facilities and accessible green spaces.
The site has again been included within the Council’s draft Local Plan because it is one of the most sustainable locations available to help meet housing growth in the area. As an integral part of the development there would be mitigation measures and/or improvements required in terms of infrastructure, transport and access, flooding and drainage to ensure that new homes could be delivered.
Around half of the site is proposed for development, the remainder would remain green space, including parklands for all to enjoy.
Alongside much-needed new homes, community facilities will be provided. Our early ideas include a school and nursery depending on what is most needed in the area.
The plans for community facilities are still being developed, so if you have any ideas regarding the types of community facilities you would like to see, please send them to for us to consider.
To clarify, neither the landowning family, nor their partner CEG, have been approached by any hotel operator or other party wishing to site a hotel, bike park or car park at the former Golf Course site and we haven’t seen any detailed or viable proposals.
There are no flooding or surface water drainage issues which would preclude the site being developed for housing purposes due to the following:
The site is within walking distance of the railway station, bus services and local facilities. We will also provide new facilities on site and support the high street, as well as investing in sustainable travel improvements.
Our work will also include assessing the impact on local roads and junctions and we are working with the local highway authority to look at the mitigation measures and improvements required to accommodate the development.
The main vehicular access would be via the existing access on Darkes Lane. There would also be a dedicated access for active travel, which would serve as an emergency vehicular access.
Habitat assessments, protection and mitigation measures form a key part of the proposals, as well as details as to how 10% Biodiversity Net Gain can be achieved. Sustainable drainage features would incorporate attenuation basins which provide fantastic and attractive habitat opportunities.
The proposals are landscape-led, respecting existing trees and hedgerows, with substantial new planting to enhance the existing belts of trees and individual mature species through the site.
Multifunctional greenspace will permeate through the site incorporating the existing Potters Bar Brook and Hertfordshire Way footpath. The new landscape planting will also provide buffers to the more sensitive areas around the site, allowing wildlife to thrive and enhancing biodiversity.
A significant proportion of the site will become publicly accessible open space for the first time, including a country park with attractive places to walk, cycle, play, sit and meet people. There would be new facilities, such as a school and nursery.
The extensive accessible greenspace throughout the site will include informal areas alongside the Potters Bar Brook, incorporated areas for social and community events and sports, as well as areas for play, set within an attractive setting.
The country park will offer opportunities for a wide range of uses and spaces for the community. These may include areas of parkland, destination viewpoints and gathering places incorporating nature ponds, woodland activities and spaces for recreation, amenity and community events. The country park will also incorporate a variety of habitats and areas managed for wildlife which will offer opportunities for education and community stewardship and conservation.
A variety of new homes would be delivered including much-needed affordable housing, homes for growing families, those downsizing and those suitable for the elderly. It will enable young people to stay in Potters Bar. New residents will also help to boost the local economy and the shops and services on the high street.
There would also be investment into flood mitigation on Darkes Lane, reducing the current flood risks.
Potters Bar Golf Course has been in family ownership for almost 100 years. It is still owned by the same family, and they have appointed CEG to manage the site promotion and masterplan.
CEG has almost 30 years of experience in delivering vibrant new developments. We create distinctive new communities around the UK, making space for lives to flourish and neighbourhoods to evolve.
Our approach is collaborative, and we have secured a huge number of awards for our engagement, placemaking, design and environmental credentials of our developments. We are keen to work closely with residents and stakeholders to ensure that we create a legacy of which residents of Potters Bar can be proud.
We would work with the landowner and a housebuilding/commercial partner to bring forward the development.
You can reach the team by emailing